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Breaking a generational silence.


Have you ever felt “less than” or like you simply weren’t good enough? You went to a casual party, wearing jeans and a sweater, but arrived to find the women in dresses and men wearing ties? You showed up for tryouts, gave it your all, and then were told that you didn’t make the cut? You gave your very best to someone you loved, yet your best wasn’t sufficient, and that person simply walked away? Imagine living with that feeling every minute of every day.

When we voice feelings of inadequacy, we’re often told to get over it, suck it up, or shake it off, which basically means that we are to do whatever it takes to accept that particular hardship. For some people, this advice drives them with such force that they spend every waking moment trying to prove themselves…trying to justify or validate their worth. This may come in the form of a workaholic who strives to earn enough money to buy his success, or it may be the girl who studies night and day in an attempt to prove that she can amount to something.

As adults, it’s easier to demonstrate what we are capable of, because we usually have the means to better our situation. Our job might afford us the opportunity to purchase a home or acquire a new vehicle. When our children become grown, we might decide to further our education or venture out into starting our own business. In other words, good things can come to those who wait and to those who are willing to work for such things. For children, well, it doesn’t usually happen that way.

In the 15th century, a clergyman named John Mirk was credited with saying that children, particularly girls, were to remain silent until they were spoken to. This later gave hold to the adage that children should be seen and not heard. Perhaps it was this belief that caused her to keep silent, or maybe looking down at her dirty bare feet led her to think that she had nothing of value to add to the conversation, but watching the chaos happening around her would eventually demand that she find her voice.

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